Although we know we need to focus on our goals to achieve success, finding that focus can be tricky. Why? Because our focus is fleeting. At the beginning of the year, once we’ve set our goals, we convince ourselves that we will keep focus during the year. This may be true for the first few…

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To achieve success in your business, setting goals is crucial. Whether you’re a seasoned real estate professional or just starting, goal setting is an essential practice. However, many people fall into the trap of creating vague, general targets at the beginning of the year and then forgetting about them a few months in. Setting achievable…

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What’s one thing that can make or break your success in real estate? No, it’s not luck. It’s your habits. Your habits are those things you do, whether you realize it or not, every day. Think brushing your teeth or showering but for your real estate business. Many real estate professionals begin their careers with…

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Whether you’re just starting out in real estate or you’ve been doing it awhile, there’s one thing you have to do to build your business – generate leads. Lead generation is essential to all sales businesses, especially real estate. When you’re trying to build a business, lead generation should be a top daily priority. One…

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So, you imported your list of contacts to CircleCloser; you’re done, right? No! In fact, one can argue that now is when the work begins. What work is that? It’s ranking your contacts. This is where you go through your list of contacts and assign them a ranking. Our ranking system uses the five-star system…

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Real estate is a social business. It doesn’t matter whether you’re new to the business or are a seasoned pro, if you want to build your business you have to build connections. You build connections with trust. They include everyone in your database and even those you haven’t met yet. As humans, we thrive on…

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Down market? No problem! Successful real estate agents do one thing that sets them apart from the competition and helps them endure any market: consistent communication. Although the market has been on fire for a while, rising interest rates and other factors have created slowdowns in many markets. Sure, this may be bad news for…

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