Good Habits: Develop the Habits of Success
Are your habits providing the basis for your success or are they leading you on a path to failure? Although most of us never give our habits a second thought, they do play a role in whether or not we achieve our goals. Take a moment to think about the habits that you have. What…
Read MoreBuild a Strong Business
Whether you are new to real estate or are a seasoned pro, one thing is for sure: you want to strengthen your business. But strong businesses don’t happen overnight. Strong businesses take time to develop and maintain. A strong business can weather any challenge, from a seasonal fluctuation to downturns in the market. Not everyone…
Read MoreCircleCloser CRM for Real Estate Professionals Added to EXIT Realty’s Premier Partner Network
Word is spreading that CircleCloser is the best CRM for real estate professionals, or as we like to call it, the “relationship builder” for real estate professionals! We are thrilled to be working with EXIT Associates across North America, helping them to generate more leads by consistently connecting with their database. For information on CircleCloser…
Read MoreHow to Turn Setbacks into Opportunities to Achieve More
Setbacks can happen to anyone at any time. No one expects a setback. Even those experienced real estate professionals who swear they can sense changes in the market are unable to predict what can happen. White you can’t predict setbacks, you can prepare for them. And, when you can prepare for them, you’re better able…
Read MoreAre You On Track to Reach Your Goals? Do a Goal Check-in
A few, short months ago, you set goals for the year. Now that we’re a few months into the year, it is a great time to check-in on your progress. Many people set goals in January and don’t check in with them again until the end of the year. By then, they’ve forgotten what they’ve…
Read MorePrepare for Spring Business
Spring is often viewed as the time when the real estate market comes alive. People who have been preparing to list their homes begin to prepare for its market debut. Be sure that you’re the one they think of when they’re ready to list. Here’s how to prepare for your spring business. Spring business tip…
Read MoreHow to Prioritize Your Day
Do you want to get more out of your day? Although our time is limited it is possible to get more done each day. Think of the most productive people you know. They have the same amount of minutes as everyone does every day. However, it seems like they’re squeezing so many more activities than…
Read MoreHow to Rock Your Power Hour
What is one thing that you can do to boost your business and generate leads? A Power Hour. The successful real estate professionals know that they have to consistently connect with the people in their databases, especially their top clients. Lead generation is critical to success in the real estate business. Even if people aren’t…
Read MoreRelationships: Share the Love with Your Top-Ranked Contacts
Your relationships are the lifeblood of your business. If you want to succeed in real estate, it’s important to develop your relationships with everyone in your database, especially your top-ranked contacts. Developing your relationships involves building trust with the people in your database. One of the best ways to build trust is to share your…
Read MoreCreating Connections: Reach Out on the New Year
In real estate, lead generation is one of your most important tasks. Although it sounds like a major task, when you have a database full of relationships, it can just mean reaching out to connect with them. Each time you reach out to someone in your database you have the opportunity to generate a lead.…
Read MoreFocus on Success in 2024
Although we know we need to focus on our goals to achieve success, finding that focus can be tricky. Why? Because our focus is fleeting. At the beginning of the year, once we’ve set our goals, we convince ourselves that we will keep focus during the year. This may be true for the first few…
Read MoreHow to Set Goals for Your Real Estate Business
To achieve success in your business, setting goals is crucial. Whether you’re a seasoned real estate professional or just starting, goal setting is an essential practice. However, many people fall into the trap of creating vague, general targets at the beginning of the year and then forgetting about them a few months in. Setting achievable…
Read MoreHabits: Improve Your Success Habits
What’s one thing that can make or break your success in real estate? No, it’s not luck. It’s your habits. Your habits are those things you do, whether you realize it or not, every day. Think brushing your teeth or showering but for your real estate business. Many real estate professionals begin their careers with…
Read MoreRock Your Power Hour
Whether you’re just starting out in real estate or you’ve been doing it awhile, there’s one thing you have to do to build your business – generate leads. Lead generation is essential to all sales businesses, especially real estate. When you’re trying to build a business, lead generation should be a top daily priority. One…
Read MoreRanking Your Network: Why it’s Important for Your Business
So, you imported your list of contacts to CircleCloser; you’re done, right? No! In fact, one can argue that now is when the work begins. What work is that? It’s ranking your contacts. This is where you go through your list of contacts and assign them a ranking. Our ranking system uses the five-star system…
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