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Add More People

Import Your Clients, Professional relationships and Facebook Friends!

Add more people one by one from your phone, or jump onto a computer to bulk import lists from your .csv, Facebook, your phone—basically from anywhere!

Add Contacts or Import

Keep all contacts organized in one place!

The last thing you need is to be chasing around pads of paper, spreadsheets that are rarely updated, sticky notes, or scrolling your phone or Facebook to find someone’s contact information. Get all your contacts into CircleCloser and you’ll have the in ONE PLACE, always available to you. Because CircleCloser lives in the cloud, as long as you have your smartphone, you’ve got your entire list of contacts at your fingertips.

We’ll automatically plan your day

Besides having all your contacts in one place, CircleCloser will keep you in touch with all of them automatically. You don’t have to plan or think. Just log in and see who’s Up Next on your connect list for today.