Leader Group Guide


Welcome to Teamzy Kickstart! A key part of your success in this program will be to create an environment of accountability, encouragement and inspiration inside your team's Facebook Group.

1. This guide provides an image and text for your posts for all the 14 days of the challenge.  Just download the image each day from this guide and post it in your group. Copy and paste the text into your post. It's that easy! (You can even schedule your posts in advance so you don't miss a day.)

2. Setting the tone:  Make sure you let your team know you'll be posting every day and that you want them to comment on your post. It's an awesome way to hold everyone accountable and to create some energy in the group. 

3. Add Eric Johnson to your group. Adding our Founder to your group will make him available for questions or support during your challenge. You can feel free to remove him after the challenge if you wish.

4. Encourage your team members to pair up as success partners. Success partners should text or message each other the screen shot of their completed Teamzy dashboard each day of the challenge.

5. Ask your team members to join your Team Report inside Teamzy. You will find your unique invite link on the Team Report page inside your Teamzy account. Your team report will show you real-time who is logging activity inside Teamzy today (or for any time period). Definitely share your Team Report on live videos, screen shots or leaderboards to help motivate the team even more! It's also a great way to decide who gets a prize if you are planning any giveaways during the challenge.

Day 1

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Today is Day 1! Make sure you've downloaded your Kickstart Worksheets and get your power hour done today, no excuses! Even if you are not 100% set up yet, I still encourage you to reach out and connect to people. Please comment on this post when you've got today's power hour done. 💪🏼

Day 2

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Day 2! Remember the goal is not just to uncover sales, but to build relationships. A relationship is exponentially more valuable than one sale! Comment when you've done today's Power Hour.


Team Leader notes from Eric

This is a great time to remind your team to keep up with the trainings and resources on the Kickstart worksheet.

Day 3

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Day 3! Consistency is the key to success. Don’t let distractions keep you from being consistent as you work towards your goals and dreams. Comment when you've done today's power hour!

Day 4

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Day 4! Building relationships is important work! It's not just to get sales and recruits, though it will result in many. The relationship itself is the value. Keep your mind and heart on that and you'll be successful! Comment when you complete your Power Hour for today.

Day 5

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Day 5! Don’t stop taking action with your Power Hour activities because you haven’t done them perfectly. Moving forward a step at a time consistently is more important than perfection. (Comment on this post when you've completed today's Power Hour.) 🙌

Day 6

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Day 6! If you've come up with a good reason to skip your Power Hour today, stop for a minute and decide which you'd rather have, your excuses or the results you set out to achieve?

Day 7

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Day 7! Make sure you are scheduling at least one day of rest in your business! Use that time to get organized for the upcoming week.

Day 8

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Day 8! Are you taking action consistently to shape your life? Or are you letting life happen to you? Take charge TODAY and complete your Power Hour! You've got this!

Day 9

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Day 9! What you've always done may not be creating the life you want. Try something different today and see what happens! Comment when you’ve completed your Power Hour.

Day 10

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Day 10! Have faith in your abilities, believe in yourself and don’t let fear keep you from achieving your goals and destiny! Comment when you're done with todays power hour. 🙌

Day 11

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Day 11! People need to hear from you today. You could be the one thing that makes a true difference in their lives right now! Comment when you’ve completed your Power Hour for today.

Day 12

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Day 12! Just do your BEST today! If you've not been consistent, that's OK because you can do it TODAY. If you have been consistent keep it going! Comment on this post when you've completed today's Power Hour. 🙌🔥🔥

Day 13

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Day 13! Relationship Marketing depends on trust. Building trust is the most important activity we can do to build our business. Are you consistently in touch, are you following up when you said you would? Comment when you’ve completed your Power Hour for today.

Day 14

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Day 14! I hope these two weeks have helped you to create a new habit of productivity. The most important thing you can do is to keep going, keep connecting, keep following up.!