How to Build Trust with Your Clients

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How to Build Trust with Your Clients

Trust is the currency of sales, especially in real estate. When your previous and current clients trust you, they’re more likely to buy from you and refer you to others in their networks. Your clients are making one of the biggest purchases of their lives; they need to trust you and know that you have their best interests in mind. Many of us take trust for granted, especially if the majority of people in our databases are people who already knew and trusted us from the beginning. However, business trust may look different from other types of trust that you may have with friends and loved ones. Although consistency and care are at the root of both, your database also needs trust that you’re not just looking at them as a sale to meet your goals. To grow your business, you’ve got to meet new people. The new people in your database may be referrals from your top clients or people you’ve met at an open house or in the course of doing business.  Regardless of the level of relationship and how you met, you have to build and grow trust. How do you do that?

How to build trust with everyone in your database

Focus on the relationships you have with the people in your database. When you loaded it into CircleCloser, you had to categorize the relationship so that you would contact your best people more often. These are the people who refer you most often and are eager to introduce you to people they know. They drive your business.

But everyone else in your database is important as well. The people in your database are gold to your business – they are the spring from which you can not only get sales but also grow your business. Each of the relationships you develop provides the opportunity to increase your network exponentially – your people know more people who know more people, etc. The stronger you build your relationships, the more willing and likely they will be to share information about you with them. At the core of this is: do they trust you to help others the way you help them? 

Why trust?

In order to build strong relationships, you have to build trust. Trust is based on four things:





These four things sound easy but they take work. The good news is if you’re willing to put in the work, it feels much easier to build. 


Chemistry is that connection you feel with others. You relate to them and vice versa and it feels like you’re on a similar wavelength. Often, it’s the vibe you give off – your attitude and perspective – that helps people feel chemistry with you. Or maybe they relate to you in another way, such as your background, where you’re from, etc. Think about what makes you special and seek out ways to hone those skills.


Character is who you are. It’s how you treat people, especially when others aren’t around. It’s that last part that’s the most important. It’s easy to act nice and sweet to people when others are watching, when in the middle of a transaction, or when trying to close the deal. Many agents put on their sales faces and act helpful to current or potential clients. However, they switch it off when they’re not trying to woo a potential client. Who would want to work with someone like that? 

When you value your relationships, you treat everyone well, all the time. You contact your past and current clients to check in, see how they’re doing, and listen for a need.  If they’re in the market to buy or sell, that’s great! But that’s not the sole reason you’re contacting them, and they understand that. Although they may be skeptical at first, the more you connect with them, the more they’ll learn to trust you and know that you have their best intentions at heart.

Your Power Hour makes it easier to check in and make people’s day. Log in and start connecting with everyone on your list for the day. Be authentic and ask how they’re doing, with the intention to make their days. Listen to what they’re telling you.  Ask the next question to learn a bit more about them. Not only will you learn more about how you can serve them, you’ll also strengthen your relationship with them.


Competence includes more than what you know. It’s also your experience and expertise. The more you know about the overall industry and your niche, the better able you’ll be to serve your clients. If you’re new, don’t worry that you don’t know everything; the more you read and learn, the greater your knowledge. Competence also comes from experience so don’t give up! 

If you’re new, read, watch, listen, and learn all you can about the industry and your niche. Follow the experts in your niche to learn more from their experience. Remember, the more you know, the better equipped you’ll be to serve your clients..


If you’re consistent, your database will come to rely on you. When they can rely on you, the more they’re able to trust you. Consistency comes from doing your Power Hour each and every day. It’s doing it even when you’re tired, busy, or just not in the mood.  It’s following up with a client or potential client when you say you will. 

Sometimes things happen that make being consistent impossible. However, the most successful people will find a way. They’ll set aside time to connect with their databases and do the daily activities that drive their businesses, even if it means doing 10 minutes of work here and 20 minutes there. To build trust, your current and potential clients have to know that they can rely on you to do what you say you will. The more consistent you are, the more they’re able to trust you and the more comfortable they’ll feel relying on you to guide them through the largest purchase of their lives.

CircleCloser can help you build trust

CircleCloser was developed to help real estate professionals build and grow trust with the clients and prospects in their databases. It helps you become more consistent, develop character and competence, and cultivate chemistry with your clients. Whether you’re a new agent or an experienced pro, CircleCloser can help you create a real estate business you love. What are you waiting for? Click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy real estate professionals be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners to help them reach their goals.