Time Management: Get More out of Your Day


Time Management: Get More out of Your Day

In the changing world of real estate, time management isn’t just a skill—it’s a necessity. As a real estate professional, your days are filled with property showings, client meetings, negotiations, and an endless stream of emails and phone calls. Without effective time management, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and unproductive. Effective time management isn’t just about working harder; it’s about working smarter. Here’s how you can optimize your time and get more out of each day.

Prioritize Your Day

One of the most critical aspects of effective time management is prioritizing your tasks. The first step is to identify what needs to be done and then rank those tasks by importance and urgency. This can be done the night before or first thing in the morning. It’s up to you. Some people do this the night before so they can get started right away the next day or they do it first thing in the morning in order to set the tone for the day.

Create your to-do list: List all the tasks you need to accomplish. Include everything from returning client calls and preparing for an open house to your daily lead generation. Your business is a top priority. Prioritizing it on your to-do list will help to ensure you get it done.

Prioritize your tasks: Divide your tasks into categories such as urgent, important, and low priority. 

  • Urgent tasks are those that need immediate attention, while important tasks are those that contribute to your long-term goals. 
  • Low-priority tasks can be dealt with when you have extra time. They are most likely to carry over from day to day.

Prioritizing your tasks ensures that you are always working on what matters most. You get more of what matters dine each day.

Do Your Power Hour

During your Power Hour, you’ll focus on building your business and connecting with your database, without interruptions. By dedicating 60 minutes a day to your business, especially lead generation, you can be sure you’re doing what it takes to build your business.

First, identify the time of day when you are most productive. For many people, this is in the morning when their energy levels are highest, but it’s whatever time works for you. Be sure to block it out on your calendar.

Next, you’ll want to set clear expectations. What do you want to accomplish during your Power Hour? Luckily, CircleCloser gives you a list of people to connect with each day. All you have to do is get started. 

The biggest enemy of your productivity is distractions. Turn off notifications, close unnecessary browser tabs, and let others know you are not to be disturbed. Resist the urge to check emails, answer phone calls, or do anything else. Your focus during your Power Hour is building relationships with your database, nothing else. Remember distractions prevent you from achieving your goals.

Schedule Your Day

Having a structured schedule is essential for time management. However, this can seem contrary to how agents prefer to work. After all, many people get into real estate because they want the freedom and flexibility of not having a defined schedule. But, to be more productive and have more freedom in the day, some structure is essential. 

Plan: Spend a few minutes each evening planning the next day. Review your to-do list and prioritize tasks based on their importance and deadlines.

Time block:  Allocate specific time blocks for different activities such as your Power Hour, client meetings, administrative tasks, and personal time. This helps ensure that you dedicate sufficient time to each area without overcommitting.

Be patient… and consistent: While you have to be flexible and adapt to changes, try to stick to your schedule as closely as possible. Build your routine to help you stay on track with your goals.

Planning isn’t exciting, but it can help you manage your time effectively so you can enjoy a better work-life balance. You can be sure you’ll get everything done without worrying about something falling through the cracks

Track Your Activities

Tracking keeps you accountable, allows you to measure how close you are to reaching your goals, and identifies areas for improvement.

We developed CircleCloser to help agents build the foundation for a reliable business. It All starts with goals. Clear, measurable goals help you track progress and stay motivated. CircleCloser can walk you through the process of creating SMART goals worth achieving.

Once you have created your goals, CircleCloser makes it easy to keep track of your tasks each day. The more you track, the better view you have of your progress. This allows you to assess what went well, what didn’t, and why. Use this analysis to adjust your strategy and improve your productivity.

By consistently tracking your progress, you can stay focused on your goals, make informed adjustments, and continuously improve your time management skills.

Maintain perspective

Success doesn’t happen overnight and neither does increased productivity. If you are drastically changing your routine, it takes time to adjust and incorporate new habits. Start Small, by prioritizing your day and doing a Power Hour. Add in more elements as you adjust. 

Consistency is the key to effective time management. Try to be consistent. Stick to your planned schedule and make a habit of reviewing and adjusting your strategies regularly. However, be prepared to adapt your plans when unexpected events arise. Having a flexible approach allows you to handle disruptions without losing momentum. Before long, you’ll enjoy more productivity and its benefits. 

CircleCloser can help you manage your time and do more each day

Effective time management is the foundation of success in real estate. By prioritizing your tasks, committing to your Power Hour, scheduling your day, and tracking your progress, you can maximize your productivity and achieve your goals more efficiently. Remember, the key is consistency and continuous improvement. CircleCloser can help you adopt these strategies and build the foundation for a lasting real estate business. Click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy real estate professionals be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners to help them reach their goals.