Start Your Day the Successful Way

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Start Your Day the Successful Way

Let’s get real: real estate isn’t a 9-to-5 job. It can feel like a hustle. But let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want to wake up feeling motivated and ready to conquer the day? Wouldn’t you love to have a winning morning routine that will fuel your real estate success? We’ll cover how to start each day with a clear focus, whether it’s landing that dream listing, closing a deal, or providing exceptional client service. When you dedicate a chunk of your morning to essential business activities – like prospecting, following up with leads, and scheduling showings, you’re sure to start your day on the right foot. Ready to level up your real estate game? Let’s dive in!

A good day starts with good habits

Set your intention

Every day should begin with intention. What is your goal for the day? What do you want to achieve the most? You could think of a word or phrase that gets you motivated. Or it could be a word that represents your vibe for the day or a word that describes what you want to achieve for the day. 

You may even do this already and may not realize it. Do you wake up in the morning and groan about another day or do you wake up excited to get started? Both attitudes can impact not only how you see the day, but also how you approach your day. If your first thought is along the lines of “Ugh, this again” and you think the day is going to be terrible, then you may be right. You may see each thing that happens as a slight against you that contributes to general awfulness. However, if you greet the day with a smile, or at least a grin then you’ll be better equipped to handle whatever the day throws at you. 

An intention is very similar. You’re choosing a word or vibe to carry you through your day. If your attention is service, you’ll head into your day with an attitude of service, meaning you’ll actively listen to your clients, look for ways to help them, etc. If you head into your day with the attitude of a boss, you’ll focus on running through your checklist to tick all the boxes. It’s making a conscious effort to view the day a certain way and react to it accordingly. 

How to make it a habit

Start by writing it down. Write it on a sticky note and post it where you’ll see it during the day. Over time, you may remember what the word is without a reminder, but until you get there, write it down. Before long, it’ll become second nature to set your daily intention, even if your first thought of the day is “When’s the weekend?”

Review your goals

Sure you may have just set goals last month, but if you’re like many people, you may already be forgetting them (like many agents do by this time of year). It’s easy to set goals and forget them when you don’t review your goals on a regular basis. If you don’t review your goals, you’ll forget you even set them until you go to set new goals in December. 

Review them on a weekly basis to remind yourself what you’re working so hard for. Whether they’re saved in CircleCloser or written on a piece of paper, pull them out to review them. You can even take a minute or two to remember why you set each goal. This helps you connect with your Why and motivates you to achieve it.  

Create the habit

Keep your goals where you can see or access them daily. Teamzy makes it easy to stay in touch with your goals, Simply login and you’re there. Review the goals you’ve set, see your progress, and use them to help you craft new short-term goals throughout the year. 

It may also help to commit them to paper as well. The act of writing out your goals may help you commit them to memory. Write them down and post them where you can see them daily.

Commit to working on your business daily

If you want your business to thrive, you have to work on it daily. Log into Teamzy and review the list of people to connect with that day on your Teamzy Dashboard. Teamzy uses its algorithm to comb through your database and select people to contact each day. Reach out to them and follow up with your customers, prospects, and distributors, then log your activities into Teamzy. 

If you’re not sure what to say (or you’re just having an “off” day), use the scripts to help you start the conversation with them. The scripts provide the content you need to reach out to your network, regardless of the messaging app you use. 

How to make it a habit

Lean into your Power Hour. While you don’t need to spend the entire hour reconnecting with your database, you should spend the time logging into CircleCloser, connecting with people on your Dashboard, and updating your database. Contact your best clients and those you’re working with to say hello, update them on the transaction if you’re currently working with them, and find a way to make their day. Real estate is all about relationships and the more consistent you are in connecting with your database, the stronger you can build your relationships. And this helps you build the habit of having a successful and productive day. 

Make it easier to succeed

Success takes planning. Although some of the most successful agents make it look easy, there’s a ton of planning going on behind the scenes. Although success isn’t guaranteed, you can make it more likely to happen if you plan for success or act as if it’s already happened. This helps to shift your mindset. Think of yourself as a success and you’ll approach your day as a successful person. When challenges arise throughout the day, you can approach them with the mindset of a winner. Instead of feeling thrown off when challenges arise, you’ll approach it as another task on your list. 

How to make it a habit

It might sound a bit cheesy, but trust me, it can make a huge difference. A mantra is a short phrase or word that you repeat to yourself to stay motivated and focused. It could be something simple like “I’ve got this!” or something more specific like “I am a successful real estate agent.”  Find a mantra that resonates with you and that you enjoy saying. Maybe you whisper it to yourself in the mirror each morning, or maybe you repeat it silently while you’re getting ready for the day. Write it down and keep it somewhere you’ll see it often, like on your desk or bathroom mirror. The more you repeat it, the more ingrained it will become in your subconscious mind, helping you approach each day with a winning attitude.

Make CircleCloser part of your daily habit

CircleCloser was developed to make it easier to build a successful real estate business. We make it easy to build the habits of success and help you work with intention. Just be sure to log in each day to connect with your best clients and people. The rest will follow. If you’re not using CircleCloser yet, what are you waiting for? Click here to find out more. 

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy real estate professionals be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners to help them reach their goals.