How to Find Work-Life Balance


How to Find Work-Life Balance

The real estate industry demands a lot of your time and energy. From long hours and irregular schedules to the constant pressure of meeting deadlines, agents often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities. This relentless pace leads to one place – the road to burnout. This affects your personal and professional life.

How burnout affects your business

Burnout can manifest in your life in a variety of ways. It may show up as decreased productivity.  When you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed,  your performance and productivity suffer. As a result,  you may begin to feel anxious or fatigued, which can weaken your immune system. 

This can lead to strained relationships. The demands of a real estate career can make it difficult to maintain healthy relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. When you’re stressed,  you can get snarky with those around you and that can negatively impact relationships. If burnout goes unchecked,  you may even want to quit. 

Why work-life balance is essential for well-being and professional success

Achieving work-life balance is essential for you to maintain your overall well-being and professional success. This balance has so many benefits. 

  1. A productivity boost. Taking breaks and prioritizing self-care can help you recharge so that you start each morning with renewed energy and enthusiasm. You can’t wait to start the day and build relationships with people in your network. You do your Power Hour with enthusiasm and work hard on your business all day. Throughout the day you take breaks so that you can charge your internal battery in focus where you need to.
  2. Improved mental and physical health: Stress can have negative effects on your physical health. Taking time during your day to take a break is literally a lifesaver. When you take a few moments to decompress and take a few breaths, you can help to refresh your brain and slow down your heart rate. 
  3. Improved relationships. Taking breaks can prevent you from feeling snappy towards those around you. Since you’re not stressed out you can focus on your relationship with them and finding ways to improve their days. And you can focus on continuing to build your relationship with them whether it’s a member of your database for a loved one.
  4. Improved thinking: Taking breaks can help your brain refresh itself so that you can think more clearly and creatively when challenges arise. Instead of focusing only on the problem and getting more anxious and upset, Your brain will be able to focus on finding solutions and maintaining perspective.

Get balance

Want to achieve work-life balance? It’s possible to build a successful real estate business and handle the challenges of the industry while maintaining balance with your home life. Here are a few  practical strategies to implement and help you achieve work-life balance:

Manage your time

The best way to achieve balance is to manage your time. This may seem difficult to do especially when you are busy. However, it is critical if you want to maintain productivity and continue to grow your business. It starts with prioritizing your day. What are the most important tasks that you have to achieve that day? Initially, it may seem like everything’s important. It’s not. Most people have one or two things that they have to get done that day. The rest is not a top priority and can be done at any time throughout the day or the next. Circle these priority tasks and set clear boundaries order to achieve them. Once you have checked them off your list work on the next most important thing. This will help you focus on what you need to get done and not get caught in the busy-ness of the day.

CircleCloser can help you manage your time more effectively. Simply log in and go to your dashboard. There you will see a list of names of people to call each day to check in with and connect with. You don’t have to wonder who you need to talk to to build your business. Simply log in, track your activities, and get to work.

Schedule your day

A daily schedule can keep you on track in order to ensure that you get everything done. Although you may love the freedom of real estate and bristle at adhering to a schedule, remember that scheduling things in advance gives you the freedom to plan the rest of your day. Maintaining a schedule also allows you to plan for breaks. That way you can make sure you take them. Be sure to plan for other important activities that you want to do including time for hobbies, working out, and spending time with loved ones.

The added benefit of having a schedule that allows you to set and maintain clear boundaries. If you want to stop working at a certain point in the day then you can establish that in your schedule and let your clients and colleagues know that you have this time set aside. No one is a machine. Although many agents make themselves available at all hours of the day, being too available leads to burnout.

Take breaks

Put regular breaks into your schedule each day. Set a time every couple of hours to get up. Stretch and refocus your brain. Ten minutes here and there throughout the day can do wonders for your wellness. Also, plan to spend time doing things you find enjoyable. This gives you something to look forward to at the end of the day. Whether it is taking a walk outside around the neighborhood, reading a good book, participating in a group sport, or hanging out with family and friends engaging in enjoyable activities every day can help recharge your mind and spirit. 

CirlceCloser helps you create a work-life balance

We created our CRM to make it easier for agents to build a foundation for a strong real estate business, whether they are new agents or seasoned pros. We offer the tools to help you stay organized. That way you can focus on building relationships with people in your database. Our goal-setting tools help you create a target to reach while our tracking helps you get there. This takes a lot of the guesswork out of building your business.

By implementing these strategies, you can achieve a healthier work-life balance and improve your overall well-being and professional success. Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish; it’s essential for long-term success in the demanding real estate industry. Ready to try CircleCloser? Click here to learn more.

Eric Johnson

Eric Johnson

Hi. I’m Eric Johnson. I help busy real estate professionals be more successful. I've spent the last 20 years teaching and training relationship marketing and coaching business owners to help them reach their goals.